
In the ever-shifting world of a designer's life, where creativity meets strategy, we often find ourselves in unfamiliar territory, encountering challenges we never expected and pondering questions without clear answers. The unknown and the rhythmic dance of brainstorming and ideation become our love language. Today's solutions might not work tomorrow, only to prove effective once more thereafter. Yet, for some, if not most, the road ahead is unclear, and the destination remains a mystery.

This project is a mix of thoughts, questions, and answers shared by twenty-five designers who dedicated 15 weeks to debating issues that touch us all—connecting our work lives with society. The contemplations transcribed here are unfiltered, sincere, a bit muddled, human, machine, and, above all, truthful to us. This collection of personal reflections delves into various topics we dared to organize. We hope this compilation offers you something worthwhile, a glimpse into our shared wisdom. And we hope it becomes a marker, noting 2023 as a point for our evolving insights and shimmering ideas.


This project represents the conclusion of a semester focused on debates in the Visual Culture course within the MPS Communication Design program at Parsons in New York City. All texts were selected and edited by Rodrigo Gouveia, who also coded this website.

Appreciation to all the designers who contributed to this project:

  • Angelica Kramarski
  • Alexis Kim
  • Bhroovi Gupta
  • Cristina Miquel
  • Dhruvil Shah
  • Emily Hsieh
  • Hana Joo
  • Hannah Moran
  • Haoyu Chao
  • JC Clark
  • Kirsten Geiger
  • Kritika Dhariwal
  • Po Hao Lee
  • Lucy Kim
  • Rebecca Hart
  • Sabrina Tseng
  • Sachi Mavinkurve
  • Sarah Saroufim
  • Shaoran Liang
  • Shaurya
  • Vera Kim
  • Vicky Chen
  • Xinyi Zhang
  • Zil Shah